疾病 jíbìng (1) [disease;illness]∶病的总称 强者胁弱,众者暴寡,知者诈愚,勇者苦怯,疾病不养,老幼孤独不得其所,此大乱之道也。——《礼记·乐记》 疾医掌养万民之疾病。——《周礼·天官》 (2) [serious sickness]∶病重,病危 齐侯疾,崔抒微逆光,疾病而立之。——《左传·襄公十九年》 疾步 jíbù [hurry] 很快的步伐 疾步行走 疾驰 jíchí [hell;gallop away at high speed] 飞快地奔驰 警车疾驰而过 疾恶好善 jí’è-hàoshàn [hate evil and love good] 憎恨丑恶,喜好善美。形容事非界线清楚 疾恶如仇 jí’è-rúchóu [hate evil like an enemy abhor evils as deadly foes;abhor evils as if they were personal enemies;hate the wicked as you do your enemies] 憎恨邪恶就同憎恨仇人一样 疾风暴雨 jífēng-bàoyǔ [tempest] 强疾的风与狂暴的雨 疾风知劲草 jífēng zhī jìncǎo [the force of the wind tests the strength of the grass;only the toughest grass can stand the strongest wind;the strength of character is tested in a crisis;under strong winds one can know the strength of grass] 比喻在危难时才能显出谁的意志坚强,是经得起考验的人 疾呼 jíhū [cry] 表示强烈或突发感情的呼喊 愤怒和痛苦的疾呼 疾苦 jíkǔ [the weal and woe;hardships;sufferings;pain;difficulty] 指生活上的困苦 关心人民的疾苦 疾忙 jímáng [rush] 急忙 疾趋 jíqū [scurry] 很快地走,小跑 疾趋而过 疾如雷电 jírúléidiàn [at an extreme speed] 迅疾如同雷电之速。比喻事发神速 项羽用兵疾如雷电。——汉·荀悦《汉纪·高祖纪二》 疾如旋踵 jírúxuánzhǒng [change rapidly] 疾速得犹如旋转一下脚跟的功夫,极言速度之快 疾驶 jíshǐ [ram] [车船等] 高速行驶 一列客车疾驶而过 疾视 jíshì [glare at;look at with angry eyes;stare angrily] 怒目而视 夫扶剑疾视。——《孟子·梁惠王下》 疾首蹙额 jíshǒu-cù’é [with aching head and knitted brows;with abhorrence] 形容心里非常怨恨、讨厌 疾书 jíshū [quickly write] 快速地书写 挥笔疾书 疾速 jísù [strenuous] 迅疾;迅速 疾速行车 疾痛惨怛 jítòng-cǎndàn [painful] 痛苦的情怀与悲惨的惦念 疾痛惨怛,未尝不呼父母也。——《史记》 疾恶 jíwù [hate] 憎恶 疾恶反动势力 疾行 jíxíng [race;go away as speedily as one can] 急速行走;急速前进 队伍在林间公路上疾行 疾言遽色 jíyán-jùsè [panic;nervous agitation accompained by hasty speech and angry looks] 急急忙忙的说话,慌慌张张的神情和面色。形容不沉稳、冷静 虽在仓卒,未尝疾言遽色。——《后汉书》 疾言厉色 jíyán-lìsè [harsh words and stern looks;sudden outpourings and fierce looks] 言语急迫,形色严厉发愁 疾疫 jíyì [blight] 疫病;瘟疫 疾足先得 jízú-xiāndé [the swift-footed get the most] 行动快捷就能首先获得或占有。亦作“捷足先得”